“E-sports” is currently a marketing buzzword – but what exactly does it mean? Martina Ganzbuhl, one of our PR consultants, learned more about this trending topic … [Read more...]
Back this weekend: face-painting with Boris
“Samiiii, can I take a selfie with you?” cried a thousand teenage voices. Social media stars like Sami Slimani, Steffi Giesinger, Ischtar Isik, Shanti Tan, Boris … [Read more...]
How to use Snapchat for Marketing
Somewhere between an instant messenger and a social network, Snapchat constantly brings new features to the media industry. The numbers speak for themselves – … [Read more...]
Handelsblatt for digital natives: Orange or Lemon?
‘I’m almost 18 and have no idea about taxes, rent, or insurance. But I can write a poem analysis.’ Complained one student via Twitter. Sabrina Rospert and Ulrica … [Read more...]
Who said Facebook? Teens spend online time on research, chats and videos
German adolescents between twelve and 17 years are digitally very well equipped. They mostly own several online enabled devices and use them most frequently for … [Read more...]